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Information Role of the Quran

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Age: 111
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Post subject: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

What role does the Quran play in our lives?
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Tue 23 Feb, 2010 1:56 am
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
What role does the Quran play in our lives?

How about you start and tell us how the Quran affects your life?

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Tue 23 Feb, 2010 5:01 am
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Age: 111
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

I guess the Quran is an argument against disbelief and falsehood. But we take from it according to our merit, I guess. I am looking for a more general discussion, brother.
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Tue 23 Feb, 2010 5:34 am
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
I guess the Quran is an argument against disbelief and falsehood. But we take from it according to our merit, I guess. I am looking for a more general discussion, brother.

Sure it is a general discussion, it is not bad either, I know this is not debate, but I ma just about to go to work, so let me say something briefly

I belief that we do not need to the Quran or any scripture to argue disbelief, the brain is enough to do so, the Quran role is simply a guidance for the already believers


Post Posted:
Tue 23 Feb, 2010 5:38 am
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

That's an interesting point, that the Quran is sort of "supplemental," if we may use the word. And I guess I agree with it. I think it can lead to guidance or misguidance, it can lead to both, depending upon what we believe or want to believe.

Another point that interests me is what is 'disbelief'? What about miracles? Are those who reject miracles believers? Maybe we can have a nice discussion on this, buddy.
Post Posted:
Tue 23 Feb, 2010 5:54 am
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Age: 111
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

There are so many points that I was thinking about when I started this thread. What about those who reject verses 9:128-129? And what do they opine about us who do accept those two verses?

Likewise, the disagreement over the understanding of a word or a verse. Or about the understanding of several verses together. What if somebody sincerely misunderstands what the Quran is saying -- is it possible that somebody can sincerely misunderstand? Would these misunderstandings impair our claimed belief in the Quran? These are the issues that revolve around the Quran; what would have been different were it that the Quran had not been revealed?

I have seen many Sunnis and Shiites refer to certain verses to support at least a part of their claims. If their claim is wrong or unfounded, are they to be damned for it? If a particular claim is a falsehood, then would only the person or persons who first espoused it be held guilty or everybody who believed that claim? Would it be disbelief or merely a misunderstanding (due to wrong information) on their part? In some ways it reminds me of the 'joke' about the Eskimo and the priest, though I am not saying it is a parallel, and that takes me to what I said earlier about the possibility of both guidance and misguidance, depending on where you want to get off.

These are some of the points I was thinking about when I asked about the role the Quran plays in our lives. I would have liked to have read what others have to say on the matter, but looks like I have run out of time and won't be around here any longer. So long, folks. Take care.
Post Posted:
Tue 23 Feb, 2010 2:34 pm
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
That's an interesting point, that the Quran is sort of "supplemental," if we may use the word. And I guess I agree with it. I think it can lead to guidance or misguidance, it can lead to both, depending upon what we believe or want to believe.

I agree totally that the Quran may misguide with the will of Allah

The wrote:
Another point that interests me is what is 'disbelief'? What about miracles? Are those who reject miracles believers? Maybe we can have a nice discussion on this, buddy.

I actually believe that those who want to believe do not need miracles to believe, while those who want to see miracles before they believe will simply say, our eyes have been bewitched, so I do not think that those who reject miracles are believers, yet the miracles are all around us and in ourselves, but it seems not enough for the arrogant disbelievers

Post Posted:
Tue 23 Feb, 2010 3:11 pm
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Age: 59
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Post subject: Re: Role of the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
There are so many points that I was thinking about when I started this thread. What about those who reject verses 9:128-129?

For me it means that they do not believe that Allah reserved the Quran, i.e. unbelievers

The wrote:
And what do they opine about us who do accept those two verses?

For them, I believe we should be considered misled

The wrote:
Likewise, the disagreement over the understanding of a word or a verse.

I believe that should not be a problem between believers, rather it is good as they are pondering upon the Quran, unless the disagreement in a very vital issue that relates directly to belief

The wrote:
Or about the understanding of several verses together. What if somebody sincerely misunderstands what the Quran is saying -- is it possible that somebody can sincerely misunderstand?

Of course it is possible, and I believe their reckoning will be with Allah, I do not see it serious though because Allah does not charge a soul except with its capacity

The wrote:
Would these misunderstandings impair our claimed belief in the Quran?

it depends if it turns us doubters, like what the free minders allege about Kaaba

The wrote:
These are the issues that revolve around the Quran; what would have been different were it that the Quran had not been revealed?

It will just continue the same with other religions and scriptures, in fact we already saw it with other religions and scriptures, people are mostly in disagreement

The wrote:
I have seen many Sunnis and Shiites refer to certain verses to support at least a part of their claims. If their claim is wrong or unfounded, are they to be damned for it? If a particular claim is a falsehood, then would only the person or persons who first espoused it be held guilty or everybody who believed that claim?

I believe that following also must constitute accountability

The wrote:
Would it be disbelief or merely a misunderstanding (due to wrong information) on their part?

I think it should be misunderstanding, however if they heard another opinion which sounds more plausible but they insisted on following the other, then they must e held accountable, but if they never heard the other opinion, then I think they should be classified as ignorant and that may be a respite for them.

The wrote:
In some ways it reminds me of the 'joke' about the Eskimo and the priest, though I am not saying it is a parallel, and that takes me to what I said earlier about the possibility of both guidance and misguidance, depending on where you want to get off.

That is why the heart has more of a role than the mind, it is all about how your heart will perceive the information given, I follow myself because my heart is at peace with what I follow, my mind however will never be in peace because it is thinking all the times, the Quran however stressed that the heart has more of a role in the matter of belief than the brain

The wrote:
These are some of the points I was thinking about when I asked about the role the Quran plays in our lives. I would have liked to have read what others have to say on the matter, but looks like I have run out of time and won't be around here any longer. So long, folks. Take care.

Take care

Post Posted:
Wed 24 Feb, 2010 4:46 am
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